Happy campers

My photo
The Snell family of Sydney's Northern Beaches is doing a largely unplanned, unscripted road trip around Australia. Towing a caravan, we will be able to stop, start and stay when and where we want as we explore this wonderful country and share a once-in-a-life time experience as a family together (that's if we don't drive each other mad first). We are keeping this blog so that we can share our experiences and stay in touch with family and friends over the months ahead.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dolphin Point

We have just finished our second and final planning trip in our caravan. We went to a great place just south of Ulladulla, where we visited Uncle Bob and Aunty Dorothy, and Aunty Mad and John. Aunty Betty and cousin Peter and Kaye were also there as was mum Annie and Gordon. This was our second and final planning trip in our new little caravan as we prepare for our trip around Oz. We had great company and enjoyable food and a little wine and beer, too. Dolphin Point caravan park is the best van park I've ever been to; it's right on the beach of the lake and is just a short walk from the ocean beach. However, not all memories of the beach are worth remembering: my surf board snapped in two in some dumper surf.

Here are some more photos from the weekend.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Planning for our trip

It is the start of May 2010 and the Snell family is now in full swing planning our trip around Australia. To date, we have purchased a second hand caravan (technically it is called a "camper trailer"). It's a Jayco Flamingo which collapses into a neat unit for the constant traveller. The roof winds up and the beds fold out from the sides. When set up, it's quite spacious and comfy. We gave it a trial run at Anna Bay a few hours north of Sydney. All went well. I've made a few modifications to the trailer (storage box, a second bike rack etc) to help make the trip as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Our second trial run is to take place this weekend at Dolphins' Point, just south of Ulladulla. I expect a few other modifications/adjustments will be made following that trip. Other arrangements for our Allambie home (thanks Karen!) and pets are also being finalised for what is to be a largely un-planned, unscripted, multi-month road trip around Australia.

We plan to post blogs fairly regularly so family and friends can see what we are up to and stay in touch.